Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar diam ut massa sagittis placerat eu vel tortor. Donec ex tortor, laoreet eu nunc a, pretium fermentum elit. Sed interdum vestibulum arcu et scelerisque. Sed quis malesuada diam. Proin erat neque, commodo sed varius et, vulputate sit amet leo. Vivamus sit amet purus nisi. Proin rutrum dui magna, sit amet tincidunt nulla tempus ut.
Pellentesque ut finibus arcu. Sed eu nibh aliquet lectus pretium blandit facilisis eu dolor. Pellentesque porta libero eget tortor blandit, mattis gravida augue viverra. Nulla facilisi. Nunc posuere, elit a congue congue, metus tellus pellentesque sem, nec maximus orci lacus vitae libero. Suspendisse lectus mauris, ornare sit amet rhoncus id, tristique sit amet nunc. Duis feugiat condimentum efficitur. Curabitur ultricies lacus eu ex egestas, et porta sem pretium. Integer in tortor at est luctus rhoncus quis vel lectus. Suspendisse vulputate vitae nibh feugiat molestie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus non posuere nisi.
Curabitur egestas sem tempus tortor tincidunt imperdiet. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus convallis consequat sem in sodales. Praesent mollis, neque eu pretium pretium, lorem risus aliquam nisl, id commodo nibh velit in ex. Integer id urna at erat gravida semper. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus bibendum ac lacus non consequat. Ut fermentum, ligula in semper feugiat, enim leo egestas turpis, a volutpat leo ipsum ut velit.
Suspendisse ut tempor ante. Nullam eu diam feugiat purus sagittis auctor at in tellus. Aenean rutrum, tortor nec suscipit efficitur, ante massa pulvinar magna, non maximus libero augue quis felis. Proin a ligula non urna condimentum venenatis. Morbi ullamcorper, massa ac ultrices dictum, dolor neque vulputate orci, et varius nisl risus eget ipsum. Aliquam congue lorem id risus ultrices maximus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus tristique felis erat, ut ultrices ligula pulvinar tempus. Nulla placerat quam vel viverra aliquet. Vestibulum eget lorem justo. Proin at molestie mi, et tincidunt lectus. Pellentesque magna massa, efficitur in viverra in, dignissim ac lacus. Nunc vulputate nibh nulla, a scelerisque mauris convallis nec. Curabitur eget nunc id nibh laoreet sagittis. In eu tincidunt nisl, vel porttitor arcu. In a libero dignissim, rutrum augue et, cursus urna.
Aenean vestibulum neque quis nisl vulputate commodo. Quisque eu condimentum ante, et lacinia magna. Mauris gravida consectetur elit, in congue lacus posuere ac. Proin rhoncus lobortis neque, vitae porttitor nisl malesuada et. Integer dictum a nisl porta porttitor. Nulla elementum at neque tristique facilisis. Fusce ac malesuada odio.
Regenerative Hip Therapies: Degenerative hip conditions are often treated conservatively with physiotherapy, steroids (corticosteroid injections), painkillers, and anti-inflammatories until the inevitable partial or full hip replacement surgery is required. Joint replacement, particularly at a young age, is not optimal as it significantly reduces patient’s ability to perform sports activities and has a limited lifespan.
Bio-regenerative treatments help delay and potentially avoid surgery all together, conditions which can be treated include arthritis, degenerative conditions, osteonecrosis, hip bursitis, labral tears, tendinopathy, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, symphysis pubis arthritis, and sports injuries affecting the hip joint and surrounding area.
Regenerative Foot and Ankle Therapies: Common foot and ankle issues include chronic or acute Achilles Tendon complete and partial ruptures, Tarsal tunnel syndrome, Morton’s Neuroma, Ligamentous injuries, Ankle sprains, and dislocations, Ankle instability, Plantar Fasciitis, and Osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis. Traditional treatments include painkillers, anti-inflammatories, and operative treatment, including arthroscopy and reconstructive surgery.
Bio-regenerative therapies stimulating the regenerative process, resolving the underlying cause for the condition and the resulting inflammation.
Treatments Include:
Regenerative Knee Therapies: Bio-regenerative treatments are well suited for treating a wide variety of knee conditions including chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis but also sports injuries, ACL tears, meniscus tears and tendon ruptures. Degenerative knee changes are particularly debilitating as they have an impact on our movement and everyday activities – from simply getting out of bed in the morning, through work, to more strenuous sporting activities. Increased rates of depression have been associated with knee disorders and knee surgery, caused by being less mobile and less self-sufficient. Common treatments include pharmacological treatments with painkillers, anti-inflammatories, as well as biological treatment with the use of steroid injections. In many cases surgical treatment is recommended. Bio-regenerative treatments have proven to have be a good alternative to delaying and/or avoiding knee surgery in a number of conditions.
Wrist and Hand Therapies: Pain and discomfort of the hand and wrist can feel particularly debilitating given so much of what we do requires our hands. Conditions that are commonly treated with bio-regenerative treatments include, hand arthritis, bursitis and joint pains, Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears; Carpal tunnel syndrome; and Tendon injuries.
Elbow Therapies: Chronic cases of ‘tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and arthritis, resulting from inflammation, aggravated and torn connecting tissue, and soreness due to overuse, can be treated through physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory drugs.
More chronic conditions can be treated with bio-regenerative therapies to stave off the need for immediate surgery and help mend the tendon and tissue area.
Spine Therapies: Acute or chronic neck or lower back pain, can often be associated with a bulging or herniated disc, which suggests the discs are in the early stages of degeneration which can be further aggravated by inflammation. The pain can be debilitating, which results in excessive use of painkillers, anti-inflammatories and steroid injections, all these masking the pain rather than addressing the root cause. A combination of bio-regenerative therapies and physiotherapy techniques can address the pain and inflammation and delay and potentially avoid the need for invasive fusion surgery.
Shoulder Therapies: Shoulder injuries like small cuff tears, labrum, arthritis or other chronic conditions like tendonitis and bursitis, or sports injuries often degenerate quickly with the risk of needing surgery. Traditional treatments include painkillers, anti-inflammatories, or steroid treatments (cortisone injection) which in many cases only mask the pain.
An alternative to surgery are bio-regenerative treatments which regenerate the damaged cells restoring the joints function.
inflammatory arthritis, proximal humerus fractures, irreparable rotator cuff tears, rotator cuff arthropathy, and avascular necrosis of the humeral head.
Rotator cuff tears and/or tendonitis, Recurrent shoulder dislocations, Arthritis of the shoulder joint, AC Joint Separation, Labral tears, Thoracic outlet syndrome